art for pleasure - tutored classes
‘Art for Pleasure‘ group will meet each Monday for two hours in on-going blocks of eight weeks. This will be a tutor-led, weekly class for those who wish to develop their art skills.
There will be a range of themes, techniques and activities on offer mainly in the areas of drawing, painting and printmaking. Participants will be asked to supply their own core list of materials. When more specialised art activities are being offered, the tutor will purchase essential materials and request a realistic additional cost. So there will be ‘focus’ blocks of activities, also time to develop learned skills within their own projects, with support if required.

Please note: We reserve the right to cancel any scheduled session. However, this will only ever be due to unforeseen circumstances or in the event of extreme weather conditions. In such circumstances we will endeavour to contact all group members giving as much notice as possible. Please ensure that we have your current contact information when booking a class.